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Although I love portraits, landscape photography is a major passion of mine. This was the image that I took that sparked my passion for landscapes. This is located in my hometown of Bixby, Oklahoma. I loved how the early morning light affected the colors. 

I loved how the sky looked before it began to storm. 

I particularly enjoy abstract landscape photography. This image was my first of this kind.

I love this abstract landscape image. The trees are colorful and chaotic. 

A fun way to approach abstract landscape photography is to zoom in on the details. 

I appreciated how the shadows contrasted with the sidewalk.

The leaves looked so pretty in the dark water. 
I love to shoot in Guthrie. It is one of my favorite places. 
I enjoyed capturing the giant bottle at Pops.

Guthrie was so colorful at this time of day. 


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Long Ago.

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This is my favorite photo that I have taken of my sister. She is a good sport and models for me when I ask.

This is the first photo I took for my first photography class a few years ago. It was so nice having my best friend model for me.


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Love those Autumn colors!


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Just look at that puppy's face!

I love adding personal items to shoots.

Love detail shots!